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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How often should I use the Ear Cleanser for dogs?

    Once per month is a good rule of thumb. Dogs with long, floppy ears or dogs the swim frequently may need to have their ears cleaned every other week or weekly.

    For Cats: Once every 2-3 months. Over cleaning can lead to irritation. Healthy cats do not need routine ear cleaning.

  • What factors that affect the grooming of our pet dog?

    Your pet’s coat characteristics will determine how often they need to be groomed.

    Know your pet’s allergies; if your pet has allergies that impact the coat or their skin, you’ll need to cut back on how often you groom them.

    The environment of where your pet spends most of their time.

  • When should I use the No Rinse Shampoo?

    No rinse shampoo is ideal for keeping animals clean between regular baths. Dry baths are also a great way to clean your dog after a messy walk outside.